2022 Donors

Gifts of $5,000 & Above

10,000 Watts of Holy Light Fund of the Cleveland Foundation
Cleveland Verses Foundation
Morsillo and Dolan Families

Gifts of $2,500 - $4,999

Fran & Jules Belkin
Nick & Lorie Howley
The Char and Chuck Fowler Family Foundation
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame
Tito’s Handmade Vodka

Gifts of $1,000 - $2,499

Cindy Barber
Bevan Legacy Donor Advised Fund, In His Steps Foundation
Judy and Jack Boessneck
Meg Doerr
Patti and Scott Fine
Pam and Adam Fishman
Dewey Forward
Shelley Freed
Robin and Terry Gilbert
Rich Greco

Doug Hester
Jess King
Jerry Mizer and Jamie Belkin
Shelly and Mike Norehad
Sally and Terry Stewart
Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Arnoff LLP
Thomas J. Coltman Charitable Foundation
Gotta Groove Records
John P. Murphy Foundation

Gifts of $500 to $999

Fanon Hill
Joe Jerdonek
Marius Juodisius
Christian Kaul
John Mcgrail
Kevin Stein

Gifts of $100 to $499

Chris Abood
Anjie Anderson
Cathy Barber
Mark Benton
Richard Bongorno
Kristin Cassidy
Lawrence Caswell
Keith Chelm
Kathleen Colan
Mark David
Shannon Dolan
Judy Edwards
Barry Gabel
Dawn Grattino
Donovan Grimes
Sarah Gyorki
Joseph Herman
Michellle Hubbell
Dan Jozwiak
Kae Kaul
Deb and Mike Kay
Brian Lane
David Levine
Dawn Marshman
Christine Mcphee
Susan Melech
Elaine Minch
Jay Minkin
David Moss
Elaine Mullally
Tony Pappalardo
Jimit Patel
Vincent Pavlina
Tim Piai and Dara Krueger
Sharlene and David Pierce
George Pilat
Mike Polensek
Joseph Szymanski
M. Kim Yanoshik
John Zoilo

Gifts up to $99

Eileen Adler
Terry Batdorf
Jennifer Bivens
Mary Beth Cooper
Michele Cornell
Wade Cramer
Najada Davis
Sumayyah Davis
Jeni Delfs
Dennis Devine
Teresa Dew
Jodi Dobos
Louis Elsaesser
Shannon Feathers
Jennifer Finkel
Brit Fox

D Fuentes-Morehouse
Pamela Gill
Ruth Hatchuel
Ryan Hetrick
Nancy Hickman
Cathleen Hlinka
Kathleen Kaul
Robin Koster
Cathi Mezzopera
Mike Miller
Ginny Nadler
Alecia Nosse
Meredith Pangrace
Jessica Pinsky
Mark Preston
Gregory Reid

Craig Rich
Anna Lee Rindskopf
Martha Santos
Jim Schade
Rachel Shortt
Scott Stuewe
Adrian Szendel
Kristin Terrell
Frances Thornton
Jude Troha
Andrew Ulle
Amalia Van Hall
Nothing Major Music
Violet Alice Radio

Cleveland Rocks: Past, Present & Future’s (CR:PPF) donor list reflects philanthropic contributions from both individual and organizations for the calendar year 2022. CR:PPF sincerely apologizes for any omissions or errors in recognizing our generous supporters. We remain appreciative of all those who make is possible to serve our mission. Please contact us at info@clevelandrocksppf.org with any requested updates or corrections.

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