Sponsorship Opportunities
Dear Friends,
As I write, situations are fluid and changing while we continue to learn about and respond to the effects of a pandemic. My commitment to the local music scene – from musicians to the venues that host them – has never been stronger. We know how much you care about the venues where people gather, the live music that brings those places to life, and the community that is built when people come together to celebrate and share their love of music. We want to be sure that the musicians and venues at the heart of this community get through this crisis and come back stronger than ever – and we need you to help us make it happen!
Today, we have established the Cleveland Rocks Northeast Ohio Music Relief Fund. Cleveland Rocks is working collaboratively with a group of music-sector and arts and culture stakeholders to create a source of dedicated funds to help support area musicians and the venues that host them through this immediate crisis – and to build a base of support to allow the sector to be better prepared for needs that may come in the future. The fund will provide immediate emergency relief of up to $500 to professional musicians and venue workers to compensate short term for income lost through cancellations and closures.
The Fund will also look for opportunities to support small local music venues by creating nontraditional performance channels, supporting industry staff, and responding creatively to opportunities to make strategic one-time investments, identify alternative sources of support and pool resources.
Cleveland Rocks: Past, Present and Future continues to serve its mission to support and preserve Cleveland’s popular music culture, to enrich local social welfare and economic growth by stimulating music-centered initiatives. The Cleveland Rocks Northeast Ohio Music Relief Fund is directly aligned with our goals and objectives. We will take a lead on supporting this community through this unanticipated and unprecedented crisis.
The Fund will be seeded with donations from music lovers, arts and culture funders and other stakeholders in the public and private sectors … like you! Please review the attached sponsorship opportunities and help us help others. If you have any questions, or if we can provide any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact our team at clevelandrocksppf@gmail.com
We have always been in this together. Thank you for your generosity.
Cindy Barber
Executive Director
Celebration Concert presented by… YOU!
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Cleveland Rocks NEO
Music Relief Fund
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Relief Fund Thank You banner
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regarding Cleveland
Rocks NEO Music Relief Fund
Live link on Cleveland
Rocks website, NEO
Music Relief Fund
10 tickets to
celebration bash!
Article posted and
distributed regarding
your support of
Cleveland Rocks NEO
Music Relief Fund
Logo on Cleveland Rocks NEO Music
Relief Fund Thank You banner
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media promotion
regarding Cleveland
Rocks NEO Music Relief Fund
Live link on Cleveland
Rocks website, NEO
Music Relief Fund
6 tickets to
celebration bash!
Logo on Cleveland Rocks NEO Music
Relief Fund Thank You banner
Logo added to social
media promotion
regarding Cleveland
Rocks NEO Music Relief Fund
Live link on Cleveland
Rocks website, NEO
Music Relief Fund
4 tickets to
celebration bash!
Logo added to social
media promotion
regarding Cleveland
Rocks NEO Music Relief Fund
Live link on Cleveland
Rocks website, NEO
Music Relief Fund
2 tickets to
celebration bash!