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Greater Cleveland Music Census Survey Results

2,768 Respondents

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Supporting the Growth of the Greater Cleveland Area Music Community

The Greater Cleveland Music Census is a community-led initiative to gain a better understanding of the current needs of the Cleveland-area music community. The Census captured key information about the Cleveland music economy to help the city and community make more informed, data-driven decisions to support the music ecosystem. The census asked questions specific to the realities of music and live entertainment workers, including general information about their demographics and occupation types as well as their perspective on issues such as diversity, equity, and belonging.  

This marked the first time in almost a decade that the music community will have new data from which to develop policy solutions and approaches. The Census was administered by Sound Music Cities, a leading Austin-based provider of music ecosystem studies and music census work, in conjunction with Cleveland Rocks: Past, Present, Future and The Cleveland Independent Venue Association, as well as support from local partners. The Census was made possible with financial support from The Cleveland Foundation

Music and live entertainment community leaders here in NEO and around the world have identified the importance of having measurable information about people who do music-related work in order to provide them with better support.

“Cleveland and Northeast Ohio have a rich and storied music history, which is essential to the culture of our region. Arts and music provide immense opportunities for education, cultural expression, community engagement, and inclusive communication. The Greater Cleveland Music Census will offer valuable information that will assist us in preserving, maintaining, and continuing to grow cultural life in our communities.”

Chris Ronayne

“This census will provide important information about the music and comedy venues and creative workers that help make up the $9.1 billion creative regional economy. “The last time music and live entertainment was surveyed was more than a decade ago. The data collected about the for-profit music and live entertainment industry will be a powerful complement to the data Assembly recently collected as part of the Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 study from Americans for the Arts and will help to paint a fuller picture of the substantial economic impact of arts and culture in Cuyahoga County."

“We are truly excited about understanding the collective impact and large-scale vision of this project. With that said, we are encouraging comprehensive participation from for-profit and not-for-profit venue owners and promoters to generate inclusive data that is representative of the full spectrum of live entertainment in every neighborhood in the City of Cleveland.”

Rhonda Brown

“We’ve hosted over 14 million music fans at our incredible museum since opening 28 years ago and wholly support this Music Census project. Having a better understanding of Cleveland’s music ecosystem will empower us to have a greater cultural, social and economic impact to our region. Cleveland is a music city, let's keep amping it up.”

“The Cleveland Foundation has long supported a thriving and diverse cultural ecosystem in Cleveland. This survey will help funders identify the most effective way to support the artists and music venues that help drive Northeast Ohio’s creative economy.”


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Contact Us

For questions or to get involved with the Greater Cleveland Music Census,
e-mail us at: census@clevelandrocksppf.org

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