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Halloween in May – A Space Carnival: Live Music / DJs

Halloween in May: A Space Carnival!

Costumes, Live Music, DJ’s Dancing, Art, Acro / Flow Artists, Food and Drinks.

Lineup includes: Bobby Booshay, Kid Tigrrr, Brett Potts, Waste Casket, and the Midnight Art Club acrobats and flow artists.

Tickets from $5 advanced purchase. $20 at the door.

All ticket sales will support Cleveland Rocks: Past Present Future (CR:PPF) and their mission to support and preserve Cleveland’s popular music culture and enrich local social welfare and economic growth by stimulating music-centered initiatives.

Costumes optional.

All ticket tiers have the same exact benefits. Please purchase the ticket(s) that are appropriate for you. Ticket includes event entry and various pizza, snacks, and hors d’oeuvres (including some vegan options) from about 8pm to 10pm. Full bar available for cash / credit purchase 7pm through last call.

Age 21+

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